John Hall

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Business News

Leading with Empathy: How to Deliver Bad News Effectively

Delivering bad news is never easy, but it’s an inevitable part of leadership. How you handle layoffs, failed projects, or less-than-positive performance reviews can impact your team’s morale, trust, and...

Business News

College Graduates: Conquer Your Summer with These Powerful Habits

Congratulations! Your graduation cap has been tossed, you’ve celebrated with family and friends, and now you’re gearing up for summer. But, more importantly, you’re ready to embark on the next...

Business News

Spring Clean Your Schedule: A Fresh Start for Spring or Anytime

There’s more to spring cleaning than dusting off the cobwebs in your house. In the same way that your physical space can become cluttered, your schedule can be a hot...

Business News

Escape the Cubicle: Your Guide to a Work-From-Outdoors (WFO) Setup

Traditional office settings aren’t for everyone. With more remote work on the rise, many are redesigning their workspaces to spark creativity and boost wellbeing. As such, the idea of working...

Business News

Supercharge Your Browsing: A Guide to Web Browser Extensions

There is more to a web browser than just searching the web. It’s a gateway to endless information and experiences. After all, there are times, though, when the basic features...

Business News

Reconnect with Nature: Your Guide to Spending More Time Outside

It’s easy to get sucked into a cycle of screens and schedules in today’s increasingly digital world. We wake up to phone notifications, sit behind computers all day, and stream...

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